Updating the Face of America

Historical Markers Equal Visibility Everwhere
Historic markers stand on roadsides, in front of buildings, or alone in fields. They tell the story of events that have changed the course of local and state history as well as the individuals who have made lasting contributions to their state. Every state has a historic marker project, a public history book. Unfortunately few of these state programs honor more than a handful of women.
In Florida Only 6 Out Of 1000 Markers Were Of Women
Before 2007 three historic markers in the entire state of New Mexico mentioned women. Now because of the Women’s Marker Initiative almost 100 women are honored. The New Mexico Historic Women Marker Initiative, the first of its kind in the nation, celebrates women’s contributions in the arts, education, business, government, science, military, and healthcare.
In 2016 EVE initiated a similar program if Florida after their research revealed that only six out the almost 1000 markers in Florida honored women. New Mexico Historic Women Marker Initiative is a celebration of women in our multicultural history.

One by one, Equal Visibility Everywhere's Founder Dr. Lynette Long has worked with the community to acquire new markers honoring women of merit.
Recent markers added in Florida include:
- Aviatrix, Amelia Earhart
- Seminole Chief, Betty Mae Tiger Jumper
- Preservationist, Barbara Baer Capitman
Get Involved.
Anyone can apply for a historical marker. Start the process by identifying a women who made a significant contribution to your state. Find out if your potential nominee has a historic marker by searching your state’s historic marker database. If your nominee doesn’t have a marker fill out the online application form.

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